MIA-Portugal welcomes you to the 2nd MIA-Portugal Ageing Spring School

Janeiro 15, 2024

The Multidisciplinary Institute for Ageing (MIA-Portugal) proudly stands as the inaugural institute in Southern Europe with a dedicated focus on translating the biological insights of ageing into strategies for promoting healthy ageing.

The 2nd MIA-Portugal Ageing Spring School presents a unique educational opportunity tailored for graduate students, emerging scientists, and group leaders with a keen interest in the multifaceted field of ageing. This program offers valuable insights into a selection of topics, including cardiovascular ageing, immune system ageing, gut and gut microbiome ageing, circadian biology in ageing and disease, energy metabolism, and the epigenome.

This exceptional programme will feature presentations showcasing the latest in cutting-edge research. Participants will have the privilege of engaging in meaningful discussions about their own research with leading experts in the field while also fostering connections with fellow scholars from around the globe.The programme is a tentative version and may undergo revisions before it is finalized.

Theres is a limited number of participants for this Spring school. Selection will be based on the quality of the scientific work. Therefore, we strongly encourage all participants to submit an abstract for poster presentation. A small number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentation.

The program will provide ample time (both formal and informal) for discussion of both posters and oral presentations.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 857524.


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